Without went beyond the brief to set us in good stead for future growth, nationally and internationally. I chose them because of their diversity; they capture the essence of different brands and find their unique story. There’s no rolling out a template.

Hannah Berry, Director of Marketing, The Wolseley Hospitality Group


Working with TWHG’s senior team, we established that success depended on attracting the next generation of talent. And as we spoke to talented, long serving chefs, front of house, receptionists and managers, we discovered The Wolseley’s secret isn’t grand buildings. It’s who’s inside them. The manager who began as the pot washer. The doorman still welcoming with a smile at 86. Many of the team have built careers there. Whilst the opulence of the restaurants might fill Instagram, the website needed to express the team’s skill, loyalty and rapport with customers.


To understand elements that bind the group together, we visited restaurants, speaking with staff from across the business. And, of course, some sampling


Subtle touches can elevate a mere restaurant into an institution. We strove to create a digital representation of the energetic, intuitive human interactions that happen from revolving door to table and back, every day. From the stories behind the dishes, to advice on the weather. A sense of timeless values in a modern world.


We illustrated each of the iconic clocks featured in each restaurant, and created a dedicated place in the website for them to represent each venue.


A floor manager commented: “we are a theatre of hospitality – we set the stage”. So imagery needed to go beyond beautiful facades. We documented life in the restaurants using high flash reportage – a celebration of the stars of the show: team and customers.


On location, focusing as much on team stories as the historic locations