“Without spent a huge amount of time getting under the skin of how P-Three are different. We have been absolutely delighted with the time, care and love they have shown.”

— Hannah McNamara, Co-founder, P-Three


The world of commercial leasing often feels inaccessible and dominated by the language of contracts: renders of spaces yet-to-exist, talk of square footage and photos of empty rooms. P-Three is a new breed of leasing agents, building its business around people and creating places they love to go to. Our rebrand needed to speak the language of foodies, shoppers and leisure lovers, not bricks-and-mortar.

Our task was to elevate their point of difference so that they could confidently pitch against big players and show how commercial real estate shouldn’t be about mindlessly filling empty units, but creating places that flourish long term.

P-Three needed to explain a complicated service model and long-term, qualitative outcomes.

Early-stage interviews, workshops and site visits helped the founding team to clarify and focus on what made their approach so special in the sector.


The rebranding centres around a new strapline – Place-to-be makers – positioning P-Three not just as agents, but as visionary partners and advisors in shaping the destinations of tomorrow. The new positioning sets the stage for creative, tailored messaging across client communications, like “Making Bankside Yards the next place-to-be” or thematic variations such as “A place-to-be active” and “A place-to-be indulgent”. A new manifesto outlines what P-Three does (and doesn’t do).

We refreshed the brand identity to better reflect the world they know better than most.
A series of illustrations by Peter Ryan bring to life characters from the high street and the world of leisure, retail, and restaurants. Central to the new branding, these illustrations are woven into headlines, logo applications and other corporate comms, reflecting the people at the heart of the brand.
The illustrations are complemented by the font, Bricolage Grotesque, which was chosen for its intellectual, editorial feel, alongside some playful, human touches.

Bringing some humanity into the identity with grown-up playfulness


Team portraits were shot by Bella Howard on-site at Caravan’s latest Covent Garden restaurant. Full of joy and energy, the images capture the team in the spaces they represent.

We created a newspaper to launch the new brand which was circulated to current and prospective clients. Content ranged from the latest news to sharing P-Three’s most popular articles and reports on the trends impacting the real estate market today and those which will affect the sector in the future. Merch like tote bags and jumpers that people actually want to wear (so much so, that a co-founder’s daughter began proudly sporting the tote bag to school).

Candid, non-corporate photography helped the team stand apart from the rest of the sector.