A beautiful brand that stands out in a highly commoditised sector.

Lauren Wilson-Smith, Head of Brand Management, Sodexo

Winning the DBA Grand Prix and the success of Modern Recipe in the US are huge endorsements of our approach and collaboration.

Philip Koh, Co-founder and Strategy Director, Without


The office canteen was in terminal decline. With staff increasingly attracted by the high-street, canteens had become vacant zones. But where most catering brands are created for the corporate client, we argued there was a huge opportunity for reinvigoration by designing for end customers. Inspired by the offer and language of today’s high street, we presented a vision combining contemporary food with flexible all-day environments. We called it Modern Recipe.

When they came to us, Sodexo were presenting food as another ‘facility’, with a complex strategy involving separate ‘brands’ for B2B and B2C audiences. 


To make food-at-work relevant again, we evoked the language of best-in-class urban F&B brands: relaxed, generous, natural, show-don’t-tell. Like the food, the identity feels artisanal, simple, and something you want to be around every day.

Built around today’s professionals, Modern Recipe brings the high-street into work, transforming under-used corporate canteens into buzzing, multi-purpose spaces where colleagues can meet, work and relax over food and drink throughout the day.

The logo roundel (using Berlingske Stencil by Playtype) acts as both mark of quality and to represent gathering around a table, while display typography (Berlingske Serif) evokes refinement and craft. Core colours of dark green and white, emphasise the healthy, sustainable aspects of the brand and are complemented by a palette of summery accents for use in seasonal campaigns.


We conceptualised interiors with productivity in mind. From the layout of flexible all day spaces that encourage collaboration (and another flat white), to the specification of natural outdoor materials for a sense of well being. Wayfinding, point of sale, packaging and signage were all designed for clarity and impact, as functional and effective as the highstreet.


Taking the brand into physical environments with flexible guidelines encompassing a variety of spaces.’


There’s a reason why great ideas get written on napkins. Because we’re at our best when we’re at ease, in good company, eating well.

Modern Recipe is a strong brand with a light touch, adaptable to different sectors and locations, striving to bring people in and to bring a smile. Be welcoming, positive and inclusive. Celebrate community and the shared experiences food inspires.

Food that inspires all day, everyday, whatever your mood. Food that is quotidian, simply a part of your life. These values (health, sourcing, provenance, flexibility) are reflected through a system – from fresh, alfresco-inspired art direction, to stripped-back signage – that complements a variety of branded environments and deconstructs into a simple kit of parts for easy application.